Project: AddressBook Level 3

Managera is a desktop app that provides event organisers with a convenient method of keeping track of upcoming events and the details of their participants. It does not handle communication between the event organiser and the participants.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Mark an Event as Done
    • What it does: Allows users to mark a specific event as done, implying that it has concluded or passed.
    • Justification: After an event has passed, users may want to mark it as done so that they can be certain that the event was conducted and concluded.
  • New Feature: View a Participant's details
    • What it does: Allows users to view the detailed information of a participant in the list, including the list of events the participant is attending.
    • Justification: After many events and participants have been added to Managera, users may want to recall which events a certain participant is enrolled in to make plans for their upcoming schedules.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Handled the Github issue tracker and added/kept track of issues to be resolved.
    • Ensured that deadlines were met and deliverables were up to standard.
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase test coverage. (Pull requests #87, #91)
    • Decoupled and ultimately removed the Person class. Initially we considered keeping the Person class in case we planned on reusing it in the future. However, as no use was found for the Person class we decided to remove it altogether. (Pull request #62)
  • Documentation:
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added target audience, purpose of guide, how to use guide and user stories sections to Developer Guide.
      • Added implementation for view command, including diagrams.
      • General vetting of developer guide.
    • User Guide
      • Added target audience, purpose of guide, how to use guide and glossary sections to User Guide.
      • Added screenshots of Managera to User Guide.
      • Added documentation for the features doneEvent and view.
      • General vetting of user guide and numerous enhancements to existing sections.
  • Community: